After having children, it’s so easy to forget yourself.  As mothers we become so engrossed in our children, and everyday life, that we forget about ourselves in the process.  It’s okay to be engrossed in them, but we must also remember to take a little time.  Go out on the town, have dinner by yourself, go to the spa, treat yourself to a movie.  Anything that will give some semblance of the person you were before the children.  

My favorite thing to do on a morning, after I drop the kids off to school, is to sit in the driveway when I get home.  It gives me time to mentally prepare myself for the day.  I spend at least ten to fifteen minutes just sitting there.  Either listening to the radio, or sitting in complete silence.  That’s my me time for the day.  Without it, I feel as though I have been going nonstop throughout the day.  

With the realization that we moms tend to forget ourselves sometimes, I have come up with a monthly event called,  “Mom’s Night Out”, beginning in August, for my fellow NYC moms. (Date TBD) This is an event geared strictly for moms to get an hour, or two….or three, away from it all. I would greatly appreciate the input of my fellow moms on this one.  What would you like to do with a few hours away from it all, while hanging with other moms? All suggestions are welcome.  Feel free to leave a comment below. 

As always, thanks for sharing in my journey. 

Remember Yourself Mommy

3 thoughts on “Remember Yourself Mommy

  1. You are so right! Since becoming a mom I literally can’t remember not having my kids with me and not being at work. I love your date night idea and only wish we were closer so our kids could join your happy environment and I could have a little break. Since we’re so far though I may just try your car idea for now I hide in the little toilet room in my master bath, I get about 10 minutes before someone finds me….it’s usually the dog who goes to get the kids!


    • Can’t even get away in the bathroom! Lol They’re little private I(s) they find you everywhere.
      It’s hard to sometimes just remember you need a little moment, just as much as they need their moments with you.


  2. Work | School | Kids is my constant life. Hubby tries his best to give me a break and then I haven’t a clue what yo do with myself. Smh. It would be nice for us mommies to have a night out for some real adult fun. Attending the same boat ride or brunch would be a cool event.


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